“The mental game behind successful execution is the biggest challenge.”
Nalle Söderström
Founding Partner
New York, 2007. I was about to start Mediaplanet from scratch in one of the most competitive markets in the world. I thought I knew exactly what to do and how to do it. What became my biggest challenge was handling the stream of small failures and successes. Keeping the drive, focus and hope for me, for a newly recruited organization, for my family and for everyone else was a daunting task.
Starting a new business is like a twelve-round boxing match but with a new fighter to face in every round. Failures and setbacks will give you new opportunities and new chances to succeed. We became cash flow positive within a year, quickly grew revenue and opened six offices in North America. My family and I ended up staying in the U.S. for ten years.
What I admire most about entrepreneurs isn’t their ability to come up with great ideas, but the mental strength and tenacity to execute them. It is a mental game that requires exceptional strength. In order to succeed you must learn to fail successfully.